Spiritual Direction

Journeying into a

deeper relationship

with God

Get Started

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a relationship in which one Christian (the director)  is helping another Christian who desires a deeper relationship with God (the directee), to attune to the movement of God in his or her life. Spiritual direction can be one on one, or in a group setting.

The term Spiritual Direction is used to link what we do to a practice that has a long history in the church. The term “direction” may carry some negative connotations of authority and heavy handedness, however it is not direction in the sense of the “director” telling the directee what to do, but rather helping him or her to listen for the voice of the True Director, the Holy Spirit, who is continually at work in his or her life.

Spiritual direction is not counseling; pastoral, marital or otherwise, where focus may be on the care and a resolution. Neither is it coaching or mentoring which tend to focus on acquiring or honing skills related to the care.

Nevertheless, in the realm of spiritual direction, all of life, with its interrelationships and various cares and comforts fit, and yet the focus shifts from the care/comfort itself, to how it is affecting the directee’s attachment to, and experience of God.

Having attended a small Christian college, I received a BA in Biblical education with a minor in theology. For many years I served in my local church in various roles as elder, teacher and missions leadership.

My life journey has taken me through some dark waters. One of the people who walked with my wife and me through those years introduced me to spiritual direction. My own experience with spiritual direction led me to pursue training through Healing Care Ministries in Ashland, OH. From there I received my certificate in Spiritual Formation and the Art of Spiritual Direction.

As a member of ESDA, I agree with and conform to their doctrinal statement and code of ethics.

In 2020 I retired from a 39 year career in Information Technology.

My wife Myrna and I live in the greater Milwaukee, WI area. We have two grown children and seven amazing grandchildren.


I have chosen to do this in my second career because I deeply desire to see people connect to God and experience transformation in the process. I finally know what I want to be when I grow up!

What to Expect

Our initial session will be a free 50-60 minute session in which we will both discern if what you are looking for and what I offer coincide. If we agree to move forward, I will ask you to read and sign an agreement to indicate that you want to continue meeting with me.

In addition to director-led spiritual practices that include prayer, Scripture, meditation and room for silence and focus, you can expect:

  • non-judgmental listening
  • gentle questions
  • time to think
  • a safe space where shame has no place

Our meetings can take place either in person in my home or on Zoom.

Schedule a complimentary one hour consultation